Официальный сайт: https://coin-wealth.io
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Адрес: Schweizer Str. 28a/30, 60594 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Email: support@coin-wealth.io
О компании
Coin Wealth’s story began in 2016. We became obsessed with the idea of creating an analytics and training platform that would be very different from the existing analogs on the market. The idea captured us so much that we started developing it right away. We designed, prepared prototypes, made mistakes, corrected them, redesigned, reconciled, tested, and finally achieved our goal.
Today, Coin Wealth has many more like-minded people creating a great product. We have everything we need: the best team, the best technology, the best solutions. We have studied and loved finance and trading down to the last detail, and our goal is to inspire our users to do the same.
We believe that great products start with a great team. We are lucky to have professionals at Coin Wealth who live what they do.
Working in conjunction with the Security Traders Association (STA), we can give you access to a cutting-edge platform that will allow you to reach your full potential.
1 комментарий
Сергей · 22.10.2023 в
Из-за этого гребанного брокера я буквально потерял все сбережения, которые имел… Обещали хорошую доходность, но когда дело дошло до вывода средств, просто перестали выходить на связь. Попытки достучаться до саппорта ни к чему не привели, там абсолютно глухо! Шарага просто собирает с народа денежки и не планирует платить прибыль от выгодных сделок. Смело заявляю, что это скам.